FOI Publication Scheme

Section 8 of the Freedom of Information Act 2014 requires PHECC to prepare and publish a scheme concerning the publication of information by PHECC in compliance with guidelines as set out by the Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform. This allows for the publication or giving of records, in an open and accessible manner, on a routine basis, outside of FOI, having regard to the principles of openness, transparency and accountability as set out in Section 8(5) and 11(3) of the Act.

The information is provided under the following headings

Information about PHECC

Services provided or to be provided to the public 

Financial Information


Decision making process for major policy proposals

FOI Disclosure Log and other information to be published routinely

Information about PHECC

We are the regulator for emergency medical services (EMS) in Ireland and our role is to protect the public. The Pre-Hospital Emergency Care Council (PHECC) is an independent statutory agency with responsibility for standards, education and training in the field of pre-hospital emergency care. PHECC also maintain a statutory register of EMS Practitioners.

Establishment of PHECC
Roles, Responsibilities and Functions
PHECC Council
Standing Committees
Strategic Plan
Annual Report
Organisation Structure
Staff Contact Details

Pay Grading Structures

PHECC remuneration is in accordance with the current Public/Civil Service pay scale as approved by the Minister for Finance.
No bonus of any kind is paid to staff.

No. of Staff 
Clerical Officer 
Grade IV (Clerical) 
Grade V (Clerical)
Grade VI (Clerical) 
Grade VII

Grade VIII   4
Deputy Director
Principle Officer   1


Customer Feedback
Customer Charter

Contact details

Information Access Requests under legislation can be made by writing to The FOI Officer, Pre-Hospital Emergency Care Council, 2nd Floor, Beech House, Millennium Park, Naas, Co. Kildare, W91 TK7N or by contacting  Media and public communications enquiries should be made to  Other contact details can be found on the PHECC website.

Services provided or to be provided to the public

Council Functions 


Research projects undertaken in respect of these functions/services

Clinical Practice Guidelines

Decision making process for major policy proposals 

All policy decisions are made by PHECC Council.

Council Functions
Council Membership
Council Policies
Council Meeting Minutes
Strategic Plan

Financial Information 

Financial Statements

PHECC financial statements can be found in the Annual Report.

Payment or Purchase Orders for goods and services of more than €20,000

Q2 April -June 2024

 Supplier Euro Amount   Description of goods/services
Clark Recruitment 117,813 Assessor/Examiner Payments
Clinton Higgins Limited 30,135  Accountancy Advice Fees
Comptroller Auditor General
20,000 Audit Fee
JLL 58,247 Rent and Service Charges


Council Members Remuneration

Members of the Council of PHECC do not receive any remuneration in respect of their membership of the Council. Council members are paid travelling and subsistence allowances in accordance with the scales as approved by the Minister with the consent of the Minister for Finance. Details of these expenses are contained in PHECC’s Annual Report.

Funding/Sponsorship of non-public bodies over threshold of €10,000

January to December 2023 funding and sponsorship

Nil    Nil



PHECC acknowledges its responsibility for ensuring that an effective system of internal financial control is maintained and operated. PHECC, through the Director, is responsible for monitoring the system of internal control and providing assurances to Council. 
PHECC’s procurement process is based on the probity, transparency and accountability requirements which drive the whole ethos of Ethics in Public Procurement and the entire process is carried out in compliance with all relevant guidelines.

PHECC Procurement Policy

Current tender competitions

PHECC comply with best practice procedure in public procurement. Current tenders can be found at

Public contracts awarded

The following public contracts (over €25k) were awarded in Q2Apr - Jun 2024

Winning Contractor    Type of Contract Contract Award Date  Contract Value
(ex Vat)
Contract Duration  Option for extension Description of Contract



FOI Disclosure Log and other information to be published routinely 

Disclosure Log

The Freedom of Information Act 2014 requires Freedom of Information (FOI) bodies such as Pre-Hospital Emergency Care Council (PHECC) to publish a disclosure log, in relation to non-personal requests made to PHECC since January 2015 and the decisions made by the body in response to those requests. 
Disclosures are listed in order of the date the request was received by PHECC. Please note that, for privacy reasons, identifying information such as the name of the requester is not included in the disclosure log.

Date of Request Category of Requestor Description of Request Decision Type Date of Release
20/06/2022 Other Details of CCTV cameras procured from 2017 until the present including procurement processes, documents involving the company that was awarded the contract. Grant 27/06/2022
05/07/2022 Other Current ICT Devices & Replacement/Refresh Programme Grant 27/07/2022 
04/10/2022 Client Documentation created by PHECC Panel in relation to  an investigation into Protected Disclosure report. Grant 28/10/2022
12/12/2022 Other Information regarding current print equipment supplier and contracts in place
Grant 14/12/2022
21/12/2022 Journalist Minutes of Council meetings held in 2022  Grant 03/01/2023
06/01/2023 Journalist Correspondence between PHECC and DoH in relation to legislation Grant 01/02/2023
02/02/2023 Client* Queries related to FTP Committee membership, no. of hearings, outcome, and FTP processes  Grant 01/03/2023
02/05/2023 Other All versions of PHECC's Climate Action Plan since commencement of the Climate Act Grant 26/05/2023
17/05/2023 Client* Summary of FTP hearings from 01 January 2000 to date with the outcome of each hearing
Grant 09/06/2023
21/08/2023 Other Current IT Service Management  Grant 04/09/2023
11/10/2023 Other Current ICT Devices & Replacement/Refresh Plans Grant 26/10/2023
07/05/2024 Other Meeting minutes & PHECC standards/documentation Grant 29/05/2024

* same applicant


Annual Reports 
Recognised Institution Quality Standards Review On-Site Reports
Commercial Publications
Schedule of Fees

Information held by PHECC which is sought regularly

Council Policies
Council Minutes
Medical Advisory Committee Minutes
Education and Standards Committee Minutes
Quality and Safety Committee Minutes