NAEMSP 2015 Conference
The Annual Meeting of the National Association of Emergency Medical Services Physicians (NAEMSP) took place on 22nd – 24th January. Niamh Cummins (Research Manager, CPR) and Mark Dixon (Senior Lecturer, Paramedic Studies) travelled to New Orleans, Louisiana for the conference. The hotel venue was adjacent to the famous “Superdome” that sheltered so many when Hurricane Katrina devastated the city in 2005. In fact one of the key note speakers at the conference was General Russel L. Honoré who spoke about the impact of Katrina on the city 10 years later.
Dr. Cummins is a member of the NAEMSP Research Committee and was responsible for moderating the Paediatric Poster Session on the first day of the conference. Niamh also presented at NAEMSP on the updated findings of our Extrication Research “Confirmation of Sub-optimal Protocols in Spinal Immobilisation?”.
NAEMSP also gave us our first glimpse at what the new resuscitation guidelines might look like when formally released later this year. The International Liaison Committee on Resuscitation (ILCOR) and the American Heart Association (AHA) are now inviting feedback on the proposed guideline changes at www.ilcor.org/seers Other highlights of the Scientific Programme included “Paediatric Longboards: Time for a change” (Dr. Julie Leonard) and “Naloxone Administration by Law Enforcement Officers” (Dr. Jeffrey Goodloe).

Pictured above is Dr Niamh Cummins moderating at the Paediatric Poster Session of NAEMSP 2015.