EMT CPC Process
In November 2013 CPC was launched, by PHECC, for EMTs to enable practitioners to update and develop knowledge, skills and attitude within their scope of practice. Launched on a three-year-cycle CPC is now due for assessment and review. In July of this year PHECC sought expressions of interest for an EMT CPC Coordinator and, subsequently, Omar Fitzell was appointed.

The first step was to detail the criteria and competencies, in line with best international practice, for the selection of assessors from the register of EMTs. An email was sent to all registered EMTs detailing the requirements and inviting all eligible EMTs to apply. 77 applications were received and evaluated for the position and 10 EMTs were selected for the panel. The assessors met the CPC Coordinator and the Registrar of PHECC on the 22nd of August, where they were briefed on their roles and function. Training for these assessors is scheduled for later this month.
As EMTs are aware, we have looked for voluntary submissions of portfolios to complete the review process. In total, we have 92 people listed for submission of their portfolio. So far portfolios have been submitted both electronically and on paper. Once the reviews are completed, feedback will be provided to each individual EMT. A big thank you to the EMTs who volunteered for this process.
While the assessor selection and portfolio collection has been moving along, we have also been engaging several organisations for the purpose of reviewing the current CPC process. The National Ambulance Service, Dublin Fire Brigade, Civil Defence and the Order of Malta Ambulance Corps have all engaged with the review process. We expect St John Ambulance and the Irish Red Cross to engage with the process this month. We have also worked with other professions and organisations that require CPC, to build as big a picture as possible, to ensure a robust CPC system is put in place by November this year. The Irish Institute of Pharmacy and Mark Dixon, lead for the Paramedic Programme at University of Limerick, have both given us access to their CPC ePortfolio systems for review. Natalie Berrie from the Paramedic regulator in the UK, the Health Care Professional Council (HCPC), has kindly met with us in Dublin, sharing her huge wealth of information and advice regarding the processes they use in the UK. Our CPC Coordinator is continuing to consult and engage with interested stakeholders and outside agencies to ensure a robust and relevant CPC process.
So, what’s the next step? Following the CPC assessor training and review of the submitted portfolios, the results will be collated and the process reviewed. A new “green book” on EMT CPC will be drafted to explain each area of CPC and what is required to meet the standard. A template portfolio will also be designed to allow EMTs to structure their CPC portfolio. Thanks again to all EMTs who have engaged with us in this process, as always, your feedback is welcome. Any comments, concerns or questions you may have should be emailed to