eACR/PCR Project
The eACR data collection pilot by auxiliary and voluntary licenced providers (Civil Defence, Irish Red Cross, Order of Malta and St John Ambulance) commenced on March 17th. Council supported this pilot by providing tablets, as you see in the photos, to each provider.

The eACR/PCR application is available both locally to each device when internet is not available and as a web application. In the event of patient care being handed over to another CPG provider or to a destination hospital, the electronically completed record can be printed on site and the paper record used for handover to receiving staff.
Each provider has appointed administrators who manage and maintain access to the application and device management. Super-user training was provided to nominated personnel from each organisation. PHECC regularly facilitate update meetings which are proving very worthwhile for learning experiences and also contribute to on-going development of the eACR. The pilot is due to be completed at the end of September.
The application also includes a reporting module and an example of some information which has been extracted from data captured to date can be
seen here.