eACR/PCR Stakeholder Engagement
The eACR stakeholder group, which includes Civil Defence, Irish Red Cross, Order of Malta and St John Ambulance met again in September for a status update. All user organisations were represented by their eACR leads and each presented on their data collection pilot experiences, followed by round the table discussion.
The feedback was categorised as follows:
- Pilot progress
- User experience
- Methods of data capture
- End of day/event process for management of data and devices
- Benefits of the Reporting Module
- System requirements into the future
- Hardware requirements
All organisations are committed to electronic data collection and recognise that many benefits accrue such as legible and complete patient records, safer storage and quicker access to the records.
Each organisation recognises that the efficiencies in electronic data collection results in:
- readily available information as evidence to seek and maintain sources of funding
- assisting in operational planning
- assisting in the development of training requirements
- compliance with clinical audit requirements for annual renewal of CPG provider licence.
PHECC will continue to work closely with the user organisations, through the eACR system developers, to meet the needs of all users and wish to thank the organisations and their personnel for their commitment to this very worthwhile electronic patient data collection project.