July 12, 2017 |
PHECC is moving
After 16 years of continued growth PHECC is moving. Please keep an eye on www.phecc.ie for updates on our progress or feel free to contact us at info@phecc.ie with any questions you may have concerning our move.
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Quality Review Framework – A look back and look forward
PHECC recently marked a milestone with its Quality Review Framework
(QRF), having completed its final cycle of onsite reviews. Introduced in 2015, the QRF serves as a quality assurance model for recognised institutions (RI) providing PHECC approved education and training responder and practitioner level programmes. Over the course of the past three years our network of RIs have engaged with PHECC and its Quality Review Panel members to benchmark their individual structures, processes, outcomes and achievements against the 31 quality standards. The QRF on-site review reports and feedback from the RI are published on the PHECC website. Click here to read the reports
approved by Council.
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Pre-Hospital Care and the Quality Journey
What do we mean by Quality?
‘Quality’ is a very popular word these days, quality goods, quality services, quality at the heart of everything! We quite rightly get irate if a quality service is not provided or our purchases fail to impress on the quality stakes. Successful organisations in all fields work hard to improve their processes, their culture and introduce change in systems of operations to improve quality.

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Emergency Services Driving Standard (ESDS)
Emergency Services Driving Standard (ESDS) is a voluntary driving standard which has been developed for emergency service drivers in Ireland. ESDS Phase 1, overseen by the Road Safety Authority (RSA), went ‘live’ in Feb 2015. The RSA set up a working panel* and through a collaborative approach the ESDS was developed.

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First Ambulance Course in Ireland 50 years ago
Fifty years ago, in May 1967, 24 men assembled at Ratra House, Civil Defence School, Phoenix Park for the first ever ambulance training course held in Ireland. Thirteen were from the then local authority ambulance services, the forerunner of the Health Boards and now the HSE National Ambulance Service (NAS). The counties represented were Cork (2), Dublin (3), Galway (1), Kilkenny (1), Limerick (2), Mayo (1), Meath (1), Waterford (1) and Wicklow (1). The next largest cohort was from Dublin Fire Brigade who had five firemen attend. The Defence Forces were represented by two from the Army Medical Corps and one from the Air Corps. Two were from Aer Rianta Fire Service. Finally, one from Limerick City Fire Service. The course consisted of four weeks’ duration, one of which was in the ‘casualty’ department of one of Dublin’s hospitals.

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PHECC Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)
‘Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) are measures of performance that are used by organisations to measure how well they are performing against targets or expectations. KPIs measure performance by showing trends to demonstrate that improvements are being made over time. KPIs also measure performance by comparing results against standards of other similar organisations. This helps organisations to improve the service they provide by identifying where performance is at the desired level and also to identify where improvements are required’ (HIQA).
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CPR’s Research Competition 2017
At the recent EMS Gathering in Kinsale, a competition for best research idea was organised by the Centre for Prehospital Research (CPR) Limerick; the prize being attendance at two CPR Research Workshops. Visitors to the CPR stand were invited to put forward any research ideas they thought had the potential for a research project. The competition was adjudicated by Dr Damien Ryan (Director CPR) and Dr Martine Dennekamp (Research Fellow CPR).
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90% of hospitals currently accessing the emergency inter hospital transfer protocol.
Protocol 37 has been active for 14 months in the priority dispatch suite used by the National Emergency Operations Centre. The number of transfers are increasing every month as more hospitals are accessing the emergency inter-hospital transfer policy for their patients.

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Progress Update on the Occupational First Aid and First Aid Response Transition Project
Over the past 18 months PHECC has engaged with the Health and Safety Authority (HSA) for taking control and responsibility for the education and training programmes that prepare individuals to provide first aid in the workplace. This involves the transition of the Quality and Qualifications Ireland (QQI) Occupational First Aid (OFA) learner training standard to PHECC’s First Aid Response (FAR), as the recognised standard meeting the requirements of the Safety, Health and Welfare at Work (General Application) Regulations 2007 (S.I. No. 299 of 2007).
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CISM Network Ireland
CISM Network Ireland is a very valuable forum which supports best practice in the management of critical incident stress by providing education and training to a wide range of Network member organisations. It is the first network of its’ kind in Ireland and comprises of a diverse range of organisations which can be statutory, voluntary, auxiliary or other with a broad range of focus, e.g. Irish Prison Service, Dublin Fire Brigade, State Claims Agency, VHI, Irish Coast Guard, Civil Defence, Tusla, Private membership and Student membership.

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2016 NQEMT Examination Statistics
PHECC oversees the NQEMT examination process at Paramedic and EMT levels; setting the standard for course content, writing and approving test items, training and approving examiners, marking exam papers, issuing results, facilitating candidate viewing and or rechecks and awarding the National Qualification in Emergency Medical Technology (NQEMT).
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EMS Gathering 2017
Over 300 people associated with Emergency Medical Services (EMS) gathered in Kinsale, Co. Cork on May 3rd-5th for what was an inspirational few days of education and engagement in a spectacular setting.
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Correspondence/Comments should be sent to the:
Pre-Hospital Emergency Care Council
Abbey Moat House, Abbey Street, Naas, County Kildare, Ireland.
Tel: + 353 (0)45 882042
Fax: + 353 (0)45 882089
Email: info@phecc.ie |