Autumn 2012
Clinical Audit in DFB
Clinical audit is an essential and integral part of clinical governance. It can be defined as a quality improvement process that seeks to improve patient care and outcomes through systematic review of care against explicit criteria and then implement change.
Full story can be read here
Journal of Paramedic Practice
Council in support of professional development will circulate the Journal of Paramedic Practice to all HSE ambulance bases and DFB fire stations starting in September.
Introducing START®
“Systems Training for Aeromedical Retrieval Teams”
The purpose of START® is to prepare health care professionals in the clinical and logistic skills and procedures essential to safely and effectively transfer patients by helicopter or fixed wing aircraft.
Appointment of New CPR Director
Dr Damien Ryan has recently succeeded Dr Cathal O’Donnell as Director of CPR. Damien is a Consultant in Emergency Medicine in Limerick and has a strong background in pre-hospital care both in Ireland and abroad. Damien completed an EMS Fellowship at the University of Toronto in 2010 and has published on pre-hospital topics such as STEMI bypass and medical response units.
Treat & Referral introduction into Irish EMS
Emergency departments (EDs) throughout Ireland are experiencing over crowding resulting in very long delays for patients that do not require admission. This may influence patients to decide to abandon seeking medical help in the early phases of an acute event. Such patients may deteriorate and subsequently require admission.
Ambulatory Care Focus Group Workshop
Representatives from the Voluntary and Auxiliary organisations attended a very productive workshop in the PHECC offices in Naas in August. Discussion centred on the development of an appropriate log, register or report which will capture data on a patient who presents at the First Aid post at an Event with an injury which is believed to be minor in nature.....

CPG approved pre-hospital emergency care service providers who use PHECC patient reports to collect patient data
Paramedic in the Arctic Circle
Peter White, Sub-Officer ‘D’ Watch, Phibsborough Fire Station, is a paramedic who has a keen interest in hill-walking and mountain climbing.
Paramedic and Advanced Paramedic High Fidelity Simulation Training
For many years simulation has been used in aviation, nuclear power, military and aerospace industries as a training tool. Analysis of a large number of aircraft accidents in the 1970’s and 1980’s showed that many pilots with highly developed technical skills and a high level of technical knowledge had failed to manage critical situations effectively.

Cardiac First Response Online Course
WHAT’S NEW? PHECC was delighted to launch the new CFR Community Online course in August. This online course incorporates both theory and skills practice and uses the educational methodology known as blended learning. There are no plans to develop a CFR Advanced online course at this time.
Welcome to the Autumn 2012 edition of the PHECC Voice. |
Correspondence/Comments should be sent to the:
Pre-Hospital Emergency Care Council
Abbey Moat House, Abbey Street, Naas, County Kildare, Ireland.
Tel: + 353 (0)45 882042
Fax: + 353 (0)45 882089
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