Irish Mountain Rescue Association

Mountain Rescue in Ireland is carried out, usually at the request of the Garda or the PSNI, by 11 Teams plus the Search and Rescue Dogs Association, with support from the Coast Guard rescue helicopters. The Irish Mountain Rescue Association [IMRAl, an all Ireland body, was formed in 1963 by the teams and mountaineering clubs then existing, to act as a central liaison body with Government and to promote and develop mountain rescue services. As such it interacts with the PHECC on behalf of the Teams.

Mountain Rescue in Ireland is a voluntary service, which approximates to the structure in England, Wales and Scotland. We have equivalent operational standards in all areas except emergency casualty care, due to restrictions in Irish Law. Other than the restrictions on the provision of medication, casualty care is based on UK, US and International practice guidelines.

We believe, especially in view of the increasing numbers of people, both Irish and foreign, engaged in hill-walking, which is the fastest growing sport in Ireland, that we should have a rescue service at least comparable to that provided by other voluntary mountain rescue services in Europe. We hope, through liaison and consultation with PHECC, to correct the casualty care deficiency in the near future.