Following your feedback PHECC will, over the coming months, engage in rolling out professional competency training at Paramedic level to support the introduction of the 3rd edition CPGs. Council’s initiative will adopt an innovative, creative approach to up-skilling which will empower Paramedics to achieve competency at a time, and more importantly, at a pace that suits themselves. This approach will utilise information and communications technology and link PHECC content directly to individuals. With the exception of clinical skills, Paramedics will not be dependent on others for their up-skilling.
In conjunction with NASC/UCD and DFB/RCSI PHECC aredeveloping relevant training modules and material for hosting an electronic learning management system (LMS).
The suitability and pertinence of the material for inclusion in the LMS package will be approved by the recognised training institutions. A substantial portion, but not all, of the CPGs will be covered using this learning tool.
PHECC will shortly commence a consultation process to engage with the Irish EMS profession in general and Paramedics in particular on this proposal.

"The good news is ... you’ve been invited to a leaving party.
The bad news (for us) is ... it’s yours."