Case-Based eLearning 

The Paramedic up-skilling elearning module has been followed by a case-based elearning module for APs. PHECC has commissioned a series of eLearning modules for Advanced Paramedics (AP) that encompass changes in the 3rd edition Clinical Practice Guidelines and to improve access to post graduate education.

Every PHECC-registered AP will have received an invite to access the initial module, which is a scenario-based review of a traumatic injury case. During the review, associated items are examined and discussed. The module takes approx 1h and 20 min to complete. This programme uses active learning principles, where learners take responsibility for their own learning.

After completing the module we request that you complete the evaluation process through the online survey. The short evaluation is designed to analyse your reaction to the module and your impression of the electronic medium as a learning tool. Please note that all survey responses are de-identified and that no personal data will be available to us. 

Survey results will be publicly available following analysis.

The evaluation facility will conclude at the end of February and feedback from it will help to inform the development of further modules.

A special word of thanks to everyone who contributed to the programme.