Practitioner Field Guide - Feedback

A copy of the first PHECC Practitioner Field Guide has recently been sent to all registered practitioners. The Guide is designed for you, the EMS practitioner and has a limited life span. This first edition will be out of date on 30th Sept this year and will be replaced by the 2nd edition which will come into effect on 1 Oct 2011. The 2nd edition will be amended and revised to include recommendations and suggestions from you the practitioner. A field guide is an aid for practitioners and so must reflect what frontline practitioners want. PHECC need your views and opinions in order to do this and a consultation process has been established to gather the information. You are strongly encouraged to participate in, and contribute to, this process.
An electronic survey has been set up at this address or can be accessed from our home page The consultation process will gather information in 3 categories – format, content and comments. The results of the consultation will be published in the PHECC Voice and the recommendations will be incorporated into a revised field guide designed for you – the registered practitioner.
Amendment: Please note that on page 29 (Burns – adult and paediatric), bottom of the page “Avoid water gel” should read “Avoid burns gel”. (First feedback suggestion).