Submit a Multiple Choice Question (MCQ) for the NQEMT

PHECC is now offering registered practitioners the opportunity to contribute to the national exam question database. Each question submitted will undergo review by the Question Approval Group.

What makes a good examination question?

In order for an exam question to be a good one, it must satisfy two basic criteria:
  • it must address relevant content
  • it must be well-structured and avoid common flaws

The ‘one best answer’ format

A question should be asked in a direct manner and require the candidate to supply the ‘one best answer’ from the 4 choices.

PHECC MCQs need 1 correct answer and 3 distractors that are close to the correct answer but obviously do not ‘completely and correctly’ answer the question.

General advice for MCQ writing

  • Use terminology that is generally accepted as being relevant for the industry
  • Keep stems and statements as short as possible and use clear, concise language
  • Use questions whenever possible - What, Who, When, Where, Why and How
  • Maintain grammatical consistency to avoid indicating correct answers
  • List choices or options in a logical order
  • Place as much information as necessary in the stem
  • Reference your question to a relevant textbook
  • Highlight correct answer and always place it first, the computer software automatically mixes the choices during an examination.

Common flaws

  • Avoid negatives, especially double negatives
  • Avoid using ‘All of the above’ and ‘None of the above’
  • Avoid providing clues/indications of the correct answer in the stem.

What do I do if I want to submit some questions?

  • Decide what clinical level you wish to write a question at (EMT, Paramedic, AP)
  • Choose an objective from the Educational and Training Standard 2007 (available to download
  • Write the question to match this objective
  • Reference the question to a relevant textbook or CPG
  • E-mail to or post to Secretary, Pre-Hospital Emergency Care Council, Abbey Moat House, Abbey St., Naas, Co Kildare

Further information

Check on for updates regarding the Question Approval Group or contact for further information.