iPADS used by Irish EMS
Oxegen music festival 2011 saw the first large-scale deployment of phecc’s national standard electronic ambulatory care report (eacr). event medical services joined us in rolling out a live trial of the eACR with civil defence and Order of Malta Ireland volunteers contributing to the testing. this Valentia technology software package is a milestone for data collection, clinical audit, ems practitioner empowerment and national EMS planning.
Protecting the Public and the Practitioner – The legal basis for the administration of medications by pre-hospital emergency care practitioners
All care delivered to members of the public must be within the constraints of existing legislation and eu directives (referenced below). The authorisation of pre-hospital interventions and administration of medications are directly linked to the PHECC establishment orders and the medicinal products regulations. these in turn are directly linked to the PHECC CPG's.
CPG - Approved Organisations November 2011
Deployment of Staff - Clarification
Recently concerns have been expressed about deployment of frontline emergency ambulances. An intern paramedic has advised that he has been required to work alongside another employee, whom he alleges is not on the Pre-hospital Emergency Care Council (PHECC) register...
New Memorial Garden for HSE NAS Loughlinstown Ambulance Station
Staff at the HSE NAS Loughlinstown Ambulance Station in Shankill Co. Dublin recently completed a memorial garden in memory of deceased members of the ambulance service who have served in the former Eastern Regional Area which includes the counties Dublin, Kildare and Wicklow.
The Centre for Pre-hospital research (CPR) at the University of Limerick aims to foster research within the Pre-hospital community in Ireland.....

CPR is delighted to announce the appointment of Niamh Cummins, Ph.D. as Research Manager....
eLearning Progress Update
PHECCs involvement in e‐learning is spread over 5 separate projects. The initial investment was in supplying Internet enabled PCs to all HSE and DFB ambulance stations. We are awaiting a status report on this from the CPR in UL....
Important information for all Cardiac First Response Instructors - Community and Advanced Courses
To date (20.10.2011) 711 CFR instructors have registered and 549 have successfully completed PHECC’s Online CFR Instructor update. PHECC invites any remaining CFR instructors to undertake this free online course. The course may be accessed through....
Registrant Consultation
We wish to consult with registrants on the following proposed Register-related developments which are designed to future-proof the Register, streamline the registration process and to provide additional efficiencies in the management of registrant data.
Emergency Medical Technicians (EMTs) and Continuous Professional Competence (CPC)
As part of the CPC consultation process for EMTs CPC PHECC will be presenting information evenings in three locations nationwide in the new year.
Saving Lives – All in a normal day’s work?
GPs are rarely involved in direct ‘life-saving’, but it’s always helpful to know what to do in such situations, writes Michael O’Brien.
Sample of some Oxegen eACR Data
Field Guide 2011
Field guide 2011 is currently at print stage with plans to have it posted to all registered practitioners in the coming weeks.