CISM Network Ireland
CISM Network Ireland is a very valuable forum which supports best practice in the management of critical incident stress by providing education and training to a wide range of Network member organisations. It is the first network of its’ kind in Ireland and comprises of a diverse range of organisations which can be statutory, voluntary, auxiliary or other with a broad range of focus, e.g. Irish Prison Service, Dublin Fire Brigade, State Claims Agency, VHI, Irish Coast Guard, Civil Defence, Tusla, Private membership and Student membership. For full list of member organisations see here.

PHECC has been a member of the Network since its inception and recently facilitated the development of an individual Stress Awareness Training module by partnering with Civil Defence, Irish Coast Guard, Fires Services, Irish Prison Services and Irish Red Cross. The organisations will launch the modules shortly.
As a preview
here is an amalgam of all the recently developed modules.