Future OHCAR Research

In line with the Health Research Board (HRB) Strategy (2016-2020) engaging ‘knowledge users’ in a co-funding research process from idea formulation to dissemination and implementation, an application was submitted by the Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest Register (OHCAR) Steering Group, of which PHECC is a member, to the Health Research Board for an Applied Partnership Award (APA) 2016 grant.

The aim of the HRB APA grant is to support high quality applied research projects where academic researchers and ‘knowledge users’ collaborate to focus on areas of healthcare policy and service delivery which are determined by the needs of the Irish health and social care system. The co-knowledge users and co-funders are the National Ambulance Service (NAS) and the Pre-Hospital Emergency Care Council (PHECC).

Recently HRB approved the APA funding for the research which will commence in December 2018. The title of the research is "Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest and Community First Response in Ireland: Building Evidence for Policy and Practice". This will be very exciting research and the OHCAR steering group and research team are looking forward to working on it.