Important information for all Cardiac First Response Instructors - Community and Advanced Courses
To date (20.10.2011) 711 CFR instructors have registered and 549 have successfully completed PHECC’s Online CFR Instructor update. PHECC invites any remaining CFR instructors to undertake this free online course. The course may be accessed through PHECC’s home page or Completion of this course for existing instructors is mandatory prior to teaching the new 2011 CFR courses.
The new CFR training materials are now available to purchase using PayPal from or directly from your recognised institution. The new training materials include the CFR Instructor pack (including text books and DVD) and the Student Handbook.
We plan to carry out an evaluation of the 2011 CFR course materials including a survey of CFR instructors in the New Year.

PHECC has dedicated a webpage for CFR instructors (located under the Education and Training tab on our home page). It is already generating much interest especially the frequently asked question (FAQ) section that is updated at least once a week based on phone and email queries. Everything you every wanted to know about CFR is there, if not please email your question to for a prompt response.
PHECC’s CFR Community Online course is nearing completion. More about this innovation in e-learning in the winter newsletter.